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The Healthy Kansans 2010 process yielded a set of strategies, recommendations and action steps that could impact the 10 Leading Health Indicators and improve the health of Kansans. This data query allows the user to search those recommendations by health/prevention topic and venue. The strategies, recommendations and action steps included in this data query represent a mix of evidenced-based practices/interventions, as well as, professional experiences and opinions from Healthy Kansans participants.
Health/Prevention Topics: Venues:
#  Health/Prevention  Topic  Venue  Strategy
1. DataBusiness/WorkplaceCapture all indicators needed to describe the disparate needs of the population you are serving
2. DataBusiness/WorkplaceEncourage collaboration between data resources
3. DataBusiness/WorkplaceInvest in improving your data collection and reporting capacity
4. DataBusiness/WorkplaceParticipate in state-local partnerships
5. DataBusiness/WorkplaceUse standardized data definitions
6. DataCommunityEncourage collaboration between data resources
7. DataCommunityParticipate in state-local partnerships
8. DataCommunityUse standardized data definitions
9. DataHealth PractitionerCapture all indicators needed to describe the disparate needs of the population you are serving
10. DataHealth PractitionerEncourage collaboration between data resources
11. DataHealth PractitionerInvest in improving your data collection and reporting capacity
12. DataHealth PractitionerParticipate in state-local partnerships
13. DataHealth PractitionerUse standardized data definitions
14. DataIndividualFill out forms (e.g., hospital admission, birth certificate, Medicare) consistently , completely, and correctly
15. DataIndividualMake sure providers are correctly recording your race and ethnicity
16. DataIndividualParticipate in valid surveys conducted by state agencies and reputable organizations
17. DataSchools & Early Childhood EducationCapture all indicators needed to describe the disparate needs of the population you are serving
18. DataSchools & Early Childhood EducationEncourage collaboration between data resources
19. DataSchools & Early Childhood EducationInvest in improving your data collection and reporting capacity
20. DataSchools & Early Childhood EducationParticipate in state-local partnerships
21. DataSchools & Early Childhood EducationUse standardized data definitions
22. DataStateCapture all indicators needed to describe the disparate needs of the population you are serving
23. DataStateCreate a system to monitor multiple health outcomes over the lifespan of Kansans
24. DataStateEncourage collaboration between data resources
25. DataStateEnsure data collected for all state programs use, at a minimum, federal race/ethnicity collection standards
26. DataStateInvest in improving your data collection and reporting capacity
27. DataStateParticipate in state-local partnerships
28. DataStateProvide data training to communities
29. DataStateRoutinely collect and report data on all segments of the population (race/ethnicity, gender, rural/urban, economic status, disability status) to identify where improvements are most needed
30. DataStateUse standardized data definitions
31. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyBusiness/WorkplaceBased on your results, implement steps to improve cultural competency
32. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyBusiness/WorkplaceConduct an assessment of your employee's cultural competency
33. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityBased on your results, implement steps to improve cultural competency
34. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityCapture all indicators needed to describe the disparate needs of the population you are serving
35. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityConduct an assessment of your community's cultural competency
36. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityInvest in community capacity building, utilizing self-identified community assets to promote planning, implementation, and evaluation of community-based interventions, which address health disparities
37. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityInvest in improving your data collection and reporting capacity
38. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityPromote community leadership development, focusing on underdeveloped, non-traditional assets identified by communities
39. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyCommunityPromote culturally competent health practices among health providers and organizations
40. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyFaith-Based OrganizationBased on your results, implement steps to improve cultural competency
41. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyFaith-Based OrganizationConduct an assessment of your congregation's cultural competency
42. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyHealth PractitionerAttend cultural competency training
43. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualClearly communicate your needs and your culture to your health provider
44. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualFill out forms (e.g., hospital admission, birth certificate, Medicare) consistently , completely, and correctly
45. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualIf you are a health provider, educator, law enforcement official, etc., attend cultural competency training
46. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualIf you are bilingual, consider becoming trained as a medical interpreter
47. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualMake sure providers are correctly recording your race and ethnicity
48. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyIndividualParticipate in valid surveys conducted by state agencies and reputable organizations
49. Disparities/Cultural CompetencySchools & Early Childhood EducationBased on your results, implement steps to improve cultural competency
50. Disparities/Cultural CompetencySchools & Early Childhood EducationConduct an assessment of your staff's cultural competency
51. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStateCreate a system to monitor multiple health outcomes over the lifespan of Kansans
52. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStateEnsure data collected for all state programs use, at a minimum, federal race/ethnicity collection standards
53. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStateOrganize, develop, and maintain a statewide cultural competency clearinghouse and resource center
54. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStatePromote culturally competent health practices among health providers and organizations
55. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStatePromote strategies that improve linguistic accountablilty and competency, such as expanding and decentralizing health care interpreter programs
56. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStateProvide data training to communities
57. Disparities/Cultural CompetencyStateRoutinely collect and report data on all segments of the population (race/ethnicity, gender, rural/urban, economic status, disability status) to identify where improvements are most needed
58. Health Care AccessBusiness/WorkplaceSeek informational resources about health service options in your community
59. Health Care AccessCommunityImplement care coordination/case management models proven effective in other communities
60. Health Care AccessCommunityPromote doctor visits by reducing costs or helping with financial needs.
61. Health Care AccessFaith-Based OrganizationExpand use of lay health workers or community volunteers to augment services
62. Health Care AccessFaith-Based OrganizationSeek informational resources about health service options in your community
63. Health Care AccessHealth PractitionerExpand use of lay health workers or community volunteers to augment services
64. Health Care AccessIndividualSeek informational resources about health service options in your community
65. Health Care AccessIndividualTalk with your health provider about when it's appropriate to access care, especially emergency services
66. Health Care AccessSchools & Early Childhood EducationSeek informational resources about health service options in your community
67. Health Care AccessStateCreate incentives and remove barriers to providers coverage to previously uninsured individuals
68. Health Care AccessStateCreate incentives to improve quality of care
69. Health Care AccessStateEncourage, develop, and support health career pathways for all ages, ethnic minorities and underrepresented groups
70. ObesityBusiness/WorkplaceRecommendations pending workgroup review.
71. ObesityCommunityRecommendations pending workgroup review.
72. ObesityFaith-Based OrganizationRecommendations pending workgroup review.
73. ObesityHealth PractitionerRecommendations pending workgroup review.
74. ObesityIndividualRecommendations pending workgroup review.
75. ObesitySchools & Early Childhood EducationRecommendations pending workgroup review.
76. ObesityStateRecommendations pending workgroup review.
77. Tobacco Use PreventionBusiness/WorkplaceAdopt smoke-free policies
78. Tobacco Use PreventionBusiness/WorkplaceProvide smoking cessation opportunities for staff
79. Tobacco Use PreventionBusiness/WorkplaceRefer employees to Kansas Tobacco Quitline
80. Tobacco Use PreventionCommunityEncourage businesses to fully comply with youth tobacco access laws
81. Tobacco Use PreventionCommunityHold meetings and events in smoke-free facilities and on smoke-free grounds
82. Tobacco Use PreventionCommunityPass a no-compromise, statewide clean indoor air law
83. Tobacco Use PreventionCommunitySupport smoke-free policies in your community
84. Tobacco Use PreventionFaith-Based OrganizationHold meetings and events in smoke-free facilities and on smoke-free grounds
85. Tobacco Use PreventionFaith-Based OrganizationProvide smoking cessation opportunities for congregants
86. Tobacco Use PreventionFaith-Based OrganizationRefer congregants to Kansas Tobacco Quitline
87. Tobacco Use PreventionHealth PractitionerRefer patients to Kansas Tobacco Quitline
88. Tobacco Use PreventionIndividualContact the Kansas Tobacco Quitline at 1-800-KAN-STOP
89. Tobacco Use PreventionSchools & Early Childhood EducationHold meetings and events in smoke-free facilities and on smoke-free grounds
90. Tobacco Use PreventionSchools & Early Childhood EducationProvide smoking cessation opportunities for staff and students
91. Tobacco Use PreventionSchools & Early Childhood EducationRefer staff and students to Kansas Tobacco Quitline
92. Tobacco Use PreventionStateHold meetings and events in smoke-free facilities and on smoke-free grounds
93. Tobacco Use PreventionStateIncrease funding to the Comprehensive Tobacco Program best practices level ($19.2 - $54.9 million) recommended by the Centers for Disease Control

If you have questions regarding Healthy Kansans 2010, please contact Paula Clayton, Office of Health Promotion, 785-296-8916 or Email:  pclayton@kdheks.gov

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