Quick Links    Overall Summary of HK2010 Process
Throughout 2005, a group of Kansans representing multiple disciplines and organizations came together to identify and adopt health priorities to improve the health of all Kansans. This group reviewed population characteristics and health information describing where we have come from, where we are now, and where we appear to be headed. This examination provided the impetus for priority-setting and identifying proven and promising recommendations to encourage change and to improve the health of all Kansans in 2010 and beyond.

The Healthy Kansans 2010 priority-setting process focused upon Healthy People's 10 Leading Health Indicators, which reflect major public health concerns and were chosen based on their ability to motivate action, the availability of data to measure progress, and their relevance as broad public health issues. Group members were presented with 23 Healthy Kansans 2010 Focus Areas, incorporating the 467 specific objectives that support the Healthy Kansans 2010 goals. A review of Kansas trends, needs, and strengths in each of the focus areas provided a foundation for the Healthy Kansans 2010 process.
   Steering Committee
Approximately 40 people who represented a broad spectrum of Kansas organizations were involved in the decision-making process of the Steering Committee. (Click here for a list of members.) The Steering Committee's task was to consider research, sort information, and define key cross-cutting or health-themed issues. After listening to experts in each of the 23 Healthy Kansans 2010 Health Focus Areas, the Steering Committee identified themes that impacted multiple Leading Health Indicators, selected a number of workgroups to focus on these themes, and endorsed, adopted, and implemented strategies.

   Work Groups
The Steering Committee identified three cross-cutting issues that are common to multiple health focus areas and will result in the improvement of multiple leading health indicators. Three workgroups developed recommendations for each of these cross-cutting issues:
  • System Interventions to Address Social     Determinants
  • Reducing/Eliminating Health and Disease     Disparities
  • Early Disease Prevention, Risk Identification     and Intervention for Women
  •    Action Groups
    Building on the recommendations of the work groups, three specific issues were identified for immediate action. Action groups were formed around these issues:
  • Comprehensive Tobacco Prevention and     Control
  • Cultural Competency
  • Disparities Data

  • If you have questions regarding Healthy Kansans 2010, please contact Paula Clayton, Office of Health Promotion, 785-296-8916 or Email:  pclayton@kdheks.gov

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